Attachments are added onto nodes, and each attachment modifies the node in a different way.

The attachments can access and modify a node's guides, joints, and ctrls even before they are constructed.

'CtrlsSettings', for example, can change the node's ctrls, such as their shapes, colors, orientations, sizes, and offsets.

Maya objects created by an attachment will be 'Tagged' as part of the parent node objects, which means they will be deleted with the rest of the node objects on Cleanup.

To create an attachment:

  • While a node is selected, from the 'Inventory' docked widget, under the 'Attachment' tab, double-click on an attachment.
  • From the 'Inventory' docked widget, under the 'Attachment' tab, drag and drop an attachment onto a node.
  • Press Tab when the mouse cursor hovers above a node in the workspace, a quick-create-attachment window will appear, double-click an attachment to create it.

Table Attribute:

Attachments can have a unique attribute type in the Attributes Editor.

Since Attachments can modify ctrls and joints, the Table attribute provides a dynamic and easy-to-edit view of all the ctrls or joints of the node.

You can change the table default height from the Preference window.

Attachments Type and Order:

Attachments can be divided into four types depending on when they are executed during the build process.

You can reorder attachments from the same type.

As an example, 'MakeDynamic' (which makes the joint chain dynamic) and 'FollowSkeleton' (which adds a single tree joint chain that can be used in game engines) are both of the same type.

You will most probably want first to have 'MakeDynamic' and then 'FollowSkeleton' so that the dynamic joint chain result will be transferred into the game engine.

The order of attachments of the same type can be changed by right-clicking on an attachment and choosing 'Move Attachment Up' or 'Move Attachment Down'. The options might not appear if there are no attachments of the same type.


Attachment names must start with a letter and consist of 3-25 characters of numbers, letters, and '_'.

Right-click on an attachment and press 'Rename Attachment'.

Disable An Attachment:

An attachment can be disabled and ignored until enabled again.

In order to do this, right-click on the attachment and choose 'Disable/Enable Attachment'.

If an attachment is disabled, it will not have any effect on the node.

If a node is disabled, all its attachments are also disabled.

Delete An Attachment:

Right-click on an attachment and choose 'Delete Attachment'.


  • In order to scroll to the attributes of  an attachment, hold Shift + Ctrl and middle mouse click on the attachment shape.


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