When a node is selected, its attributes and its attachments attributes will appear in the ARISE Attribute Editor (Not to be confused with Maya's Attribute Editor).

A tooltip will appear when you hover over an attribute value. They help you understand what each attribute does.

If you right-click on the attribute name, a context menu will open with different options depending on the attribute type and state.

  • 'Reset To Default Value' - All attributes will have this option.
  • 'Break Incoming Connection' - Only on Driven Connection attributes.
  • 'Demote/Promote Attribute' - Some attributes can be promoted, which means they will be displayed on the node shape allowing for connections to be made.


You will find the docs tab next to the attribute editor tab; in it, you will find tabs for the node and each of its attachments so you can better understand their functions.


To lock the Attribute Editor to display only one node, toggle the lock icon at the top left of the attributes window. 

Toggling again will unlock it.

Collapse/Expand All Sections:

Two buttons to either collapse or expand all the collapsible 


You can auto scroll to a node or an attachment attributes by hold Shift + Ctrl and middle mouse click on the node or attachment shape.

There are many kinds of attributes: Checkbox, Button, Dropdown, Float, Integer, Name/String, RGB, XYZ, Radio, and Path.

Additionally, there are a number of unique attributes:

Title Attribute:

Below the lock button, the 'Title' attribute will display the node's icon, the node's name, the node type/module, as well as two buttons for expanding or collapsing all expandable sections.

Name Attribute:

The name of a node is used to name its Maya objects when the node is built.

Node names must start with a letter and consist of 3-25 characters of numbers, letters, and '_'.

Module Version Attribute:

A node can have different versions in order to support changes/fixes/enhancements to the code while still supporting backward compatibility.

An old rig created with an old version of a node will continue to use the old version, while a newly created rig will use the latest version.

While you can always manually change versions, note that some data can be lost when switching versions.

This attribute should not be touched if you are unsure how to use it.

Driven Connection Attribute: 

The 'Driven Connection' Attribute enables you to constrain different elements of the rig to each other. This attribute is displayed in both the Arise Attribute Editor and on the node shape if it has been promoted.

To connect the 'Driven Connection' Attribute to another node's 'Driver Connection' attribute, simply make a connection between them. If the connection is successful, the attribute will turn yellow. 

Alternatively, you can also enter a string Maya transform name directly into the attribute field. This provides you with the ability to connect any Maya transform node as the driver.

When entering a string transform name, the indicator (*) on the right side of the attribute field will indicate whether the input is valid. If you hover over the indicator, you can view additional information. In the event that the entered transform name is invalid, an error will also be displayed in the Log Viewer during the build process.

In version 1.02.00, 'Tracked nodes' were introduced, which you can select by right-clicking the attribute field and choosing a node. Once selected, you can choose any of its ctrls or joints as the driver for this attribute.

Tracked ctrls or joints do not require updating if the node they are attached to is renamed, as they are linked by a unique identifier, unlike string inputs that rely on the node's name and need updating if it changes.

Driver Connection Attribute:

This attribute appears only on the node shape as an attribute with a green circle to its right.

Only this attribute can drive a 'Driven Connection' attribute.

Custom Driven Connection Attribute / Custom Driver Connection Attribute:

They are different from the standard 'Driven/Driver Connection' attributes since they do not constrain between transforms. Instead, they allow any kind of connection to be made. They appear only on attachments.

Table Attribute:

Since Attachments can modify ctrls and joints, the Table attribute provides a dynamic and easy-to-edit view of all the ctrls or joints of the node.

Colors, Dropdowns, Integers, Floats, text, and Checkboxes can be displayed in the table attribute.

Values that have been modified will appear in a red box.

To remove modifications from a specific cell, right-click on a cell that appears red.

You can right-click on its name in the vertical header, to select the ctrl or joint in the Maya scene.

Note Attribute:

You can use this attribute to leave a note to yourself or others about what you did differently.

This helps others understand how the character was rigged.

It appears at the bottom of all nodes and attachments.


Get Arise at: https://www.ariserigging.com

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