The ARISE rig has a few poses because characters can be modeled in different poses such as an 'A' pose, and animators usually prefer that when the ctrls are zeroed, the character will be in a 'T' pose.

Bind Pose:

The pose the rig is in when it finishes building; it is the pose of the model.

Bind Pose (Transformations Only):

Similar to 'Bind Pose', but only for transformation attributes (translate, rotate, scale).

Zeroed Pose:

Set all ctrls translation values of 0.0, rotation values of 0.0, and scale values of 1.0.

On most nodes, there are three attributes that control how the rig ctrls behave:

When you check 'Clean Transformations' for a node, 'Zeroed pose' and 'Bind pose' are the same ('A' pose).
The ctrls will have clean values in 'Bind Pose'.

With the rest of the attributes, you can rig a character modeled in an 'A' pose, yet have the ctrls zeroed to a 'T' pose.

'World Orientation' - The direction in which the node ctrls will point when zeroed (Mirrored nodes will point in the opposite direction). (If not sure - use default value)

'World Orient Twist' - Together with 'World Orientation' determines the direction. (If not sure - use default value)

On the left is the 'Bind Pose' of a character modeled in an 'A Pose', and on the right is the same character in a 'Zeroed Pose'. (The character in both images has 'Clean Transformations' unchecked)

Custom Pose:

Additional button for convenience - create a rig pose with 'Create Custom Pose' and apply it to the rig with 'Apply Custom Pose'.

It should be noted that this pose is only stored in memory and will be deleted when ARISE UI is closed.


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