You can drive an attribute with another attribute using a Connection.

A connection between two attributes is only possible when they are on different nodes, are of the same type (same color slots), and an output (circle on right) is connected to an input (circle on left).

'Driver Connections' and 'Driven Connections' (green circles) are the most important types of connections; they drive the rig.

How to create a connection:

Create a connection by clicking on a slot (attribute circle) and dragging your mouse cursor to another slot.

Valid slots will be highlighted as you drag the connection to another node.

In the attribute editor, the driven attribute will appear yellow when a connection is made, and its value cannot be changed without breaking the connection first.

You can modify an existing connection by clicking on it and dragging it to a new slot.

Ways to delete a connection:

  • Select a connection and press the 'Delete' (Del) key on the keyboard.
  • Click and drag on a connection until it turns into a dashed line, then release your mouse.
  • Right-click on a connection and choose 'Delete Connection' from the context menu.
  • In the attribute editor, right-click on the connected attribute name and choose 'Break Incoming Connection'.

More information.

Selecting a connection will display information about it in the attribute editor.

You can right-click on a connection to 'Delete Connection', 'Select Source Node', and 'Select Destination Node'.


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