The group node serves as a visual aid and doesn't generate rig elements like other nodes, nor does it alter nodes as attachments do. Its primary purpose is to provide visual organization.

Creating a Group Node:

  • Right-click on an empty area in the workspace and choose 'Create Group Node'.
  • Alternatively, select two or more nodes and press 'Ctrl + 'G' to form a group around them.

Selecting, Moving and Resizing a Group Node:

  • To select a group node, simply click on it.
  • To move the group node with the nodes on that are on top, left-click and drag its title section.
  • To move the group node without moving any of the nodes on it, press Alt + left-click and drag its title section.
  • Resize the group node by dragging the bottom-left or bottom-right corner.

Selecting and Saving Nodes:

  • Right-click the group and choose 'Select Nodes In Group' to select all the nodes within it.
  • Right-click the group and select 'Save Nodes Under Group...' to save the group and its nodes to a file (opens a save file dialog window).


  • 'Name' - Renames the group node.
    Names must begin with a letter and be 3-25 characters long, consisting of numbers, letters, and '_'.
  • 'BG Color' - Alters the group background color.
  • 'BG image' - Set the background image for the group.
  • 'BG image opacity' - Adjusts the opacity of the background image, if present.
  • 'Create Snapshot' - Captures a screenshot of Maya's active view and uses it as the group's background image. A save file window will appear for specifying the image's save location.
    For example, you might wish to take a front view snapshot of your character and then position the nodes on the group image alongside their respective body parts.
  • 'Note' - Similar to any node or attachment, you can provide explanatory notes about your actions.


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