To save the Arise scene within your Maya file, use the keyboard shortcut 'Shift + S' or navigate to 'File' > 'Save' > 'Save To Maya Scene'. With this option all of your project data is stored within one Maya file.

Press 'File' menu > 'Load' > 'Load From Maya Scene' to load Arise from the currently opened Maya scene.

Since version 1.02.00, Arise automatically saves to your Maya scene when building or templating nodes.

By default, this feature is enabled and can be found in the Preferences Window under 'AutoSave To Maya Scene'.

This feature ensures that your work is consistently backed up in the Maya file, without the need for manual saves.

Saving Arise scenes Separately from Maya:

Note: Arise save files (.ions) include nodes, attachments, connections, guides positions, and attribute values. However, items such as skinning and models are saved directly in the Maya scene.

Saving/loading ONLY the ARISE scene.

saves and loads only the .ions scene file, which is useful for transferring rigs between characters.

To save

  • 'File' menu > 'Save' > 'Save Scene As'.
  • or 'File' menu > 'Save' > 'Export Selected'.

To load:

  • 'File' menu > 'Load' > 'Open Scene'.
  • or 'File' menu > 'Load' > 'Import'.

Saving/loading an ARISE scene AND a Maya scene.

When you save your work using this method, a folder is created that contains both the Arise scene (.ions) and the corresponding Maya scene (.ma) file. To load your project, simply select the folder that contains both files.

To save:

  • 'File' menu > 'Save' > 'Save ARISE & Maya Scenes

To load:

  • 'File' menu > 'Load' > 'Load ARISE & Maya Scenes'

Save ARISE & Maya Scenes:

Load ARISE & Maya Scenes:


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