Creates a cartoon head and neck with manual/auto volume, auto twist, Bezier ctrls, and more.


  • 'Neck Root' - Position at the base of the neck.
  • 'Neck Mid' - Position at the middle of the neck.
  • 'Head' - Position at the pivot point of the head.


  1. 'Single Side Guide' - For some Aim Guides, the 'side_vector' (twist) is locked and driven by a single 'side_vector', which keeps the orientation consistent. Uncheck this attribute to unlock them if you need more control over the twist. Re-template is required when changes are made. [Video]
  2. 'Ctrls Scale' - Scale all the node ctrls. Note that the attachments 'Ctrls Settings' and 'CtrlsShape' will override this.
     [As of version 1.06.03]  'Update' button to change the ctrls size without requiring a rebuild. [Video] 
  3. 'Clean Transformations' -  If checked, the zeroed pose will be the same as the bind pose; if unchecked, when zeroing the ctrls, they will align with a world axis specified in the following two attributes. [Video]
  4. 'World Orientation' - The world axis the ctrls will align with when zeroed. Usually, this attribute's default value is the correct value. [Video]
  5. 'World Orient Twist' - Along with 'World Orientation', defines the ctrls zeroed pose. Usually, the default value of 0 is the correct value. [Video] 
  6. 'Expose RotateOrder' - Exposes all the ctrls 'RotateOrder' attribute in the Channel Box. [Video] 
  7. 'Secondary Ctrls' - Secondary ctrls are added under some ctrls to help prevent gimbal lock.
    A visibility attribute is added to the parent ctrl. [Video] 
  8. 'Volume' - Add 'Auto Volume' and 'Manual Volume' attributes.
  9. 'Ctrls Translate' - If checked, will enable translation attributes on 'neck_root_ctrl' and 'head_ctrl'.
  10. 'Pin Ctrl' - Add a 'pin_ctrl' that constrains 'neck_mid_ctrl' when activated.
    Use a 'SpaceSwitch' attachment for 'pin_ctrl' to properly use this feature.
  11. 'Ribbon Joints' - The number of skinning joints the head has besides 'neck_root_jnt' and 'head_jnt'. [Video] 
  12. 'Ribbon Micro Ctrls' - Create a ctrl for every ribbon skinning joint. [Video] 
  13. 'Bezier Ctrls' - Add ctrls that deform the ribbon like a Bezier curve. [Video] 
  14. 'Bezier Ctrls Offset' - Position offset of the Bezier ctrls from the joint chain.


  • 'Root Input' - Drives the whole node.
  • 'Root Output' -An output at the 'neck_root_jnt'.
  • 'Tip Output' - An output at the 'head_jnt'.


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