Creates cartoon fingers with control over the number of fingers and each finger joints count.


  • 'Sub Parent' - Helps move all the guides together. This guide's position is not used by the rig.
  • 'Aim Guides' - Each finger joints positions, starting at the metacarpal and ending at the fingertip.
  • 'Direction guides' - If the attribute 'Along Direction Guide' is checked, the finger zeroed pose will align it along this guide's orientations.


  1. 'Single Side Guide' - For some Aim Guides, the 'side_vector' (twist) is locked and driven by a single 'side_vector', which keeps the orientation consistent. Uncheck this attribute to unlock them if you need more control over the twist. Re-template is required when changes are made. [Video]
  2. 'Ctrls Scale' - Scale all the node ctrls. Note that the attachments 'Ctrls Settings' and 'CtrlsShape' will override this.
    [As of version 1.06.03]  'Update' button to change the ctrls size without requiring a rebuild. [Video] 
  3. 'Clean Transformations' - If checked, the zeroed pose will be the same as the bind pose; if unchecked, when zeroing the ctrls, they will align with a world axis specified in the following two attributes. [Video]
  4. 'Along Direction Guide' - When checked, the zeroed pose of the fingers will be along the orientations of the direction guides. [Video]
  5. 'World Orientation' - The world axis the ctrls will align with when zeroed. Usually, this attribute's default value is the correct value. [Video] 
  6. 'Expose RotateOrder' - Exposes all the ctrls 'RotateOrder' attribute in the Channel Box. [Video] 
  7. 'Fingers Count' - The number of fingers to create (default is 4).
  8. 'Fingers Jnts Count' - Number of joints/guides per finger (default is 5); includes metacarpal joint.
  9. 'Thumbs Count' - The number of thumbs to create (default is 1). Thumbs behave differently than fingers.
  10. 'Thumbs Jnts Count' - Number of joints/guides per thumb (default is 4).
  11. 'Ctrls Translate'If checked, animators will also be able to translate the FK ctrls.
  12. 'Scale Fix Jnts'Add extra skinning joints that do not scale with their ctrl, this prevents scaling vertices behind the joint in the wrong direction.
  13. 'Master Ctrl'Create a master control that animates all the fingers when rotated and scaled.
  14. 'Master Ctrl Offset' - Position offset of the 'master_ctrl'.


  • 'Root Input' - Drives all the fingers/thumbs.
  • 'Root Output' - Output at 'Root Input'


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