Creates a cartoon jaw and lips. Features include lips seal, zipper, auto volume, thickness, upper lip push, etc.


  • 'Jaw' - Jaw pivot position, usually positioned in the middle of the head on the X axis and slightly in front of and below the ears on the Y and Z axes.
  • 'L/R_mouth_corner' - Place at the lip corners and align with the lips.
  • 'M_upper_lip', 'M_lower_lip' - Position at the center of the upper lip or lower lip.
  • 'L/R_upper_lip_minor', 'L/R_lower_lip_minor' - Placed evenly between middle and corner guides on the lips.
  • 'L/R_mouth_shape_A', 'L/R_mouth_shape_B'Place these guides past the lips and inside the cheek. A curve will be driven by them, and the corner ctrls will move along that curve.

Guide's Important Notes:

  • The 'Mirror Mouth Guides' button makes the right side guides mirror the left side.
    So with a symmetrical character, you only need to place the guides on the left side.
    Using this button in 'Solo Mode' will mirror the guides in world space.
  • Both upper and lower guides display two curves; the lips skinning joints will be created on those curves. Ensure the curves are on the edges of the lips that are closest to each other.
  • The guides also drive a thinner curve and this curve controls the movement of the corner ctrls.


  1. 'Mirror Mouth Guides' - This button positions the right side guides in a mirror image of the left side.
    In 'Solo Mode', they will be mirrored in world space.
  2. 'Ctrls Scale' - Scale all the node ctrls. Note that the attachments 'Ctrls Settings' and 'CtrlsShape' will override this. 
    [As of version 1.06.03]  'Update' button to change the ctrls size without requiring a rebuild. [Video] 
  3. 'Ctrls Offset Position' - Offset of lips ctrls for when the ctrls are hidden inside the lips mesh.
  4. 'Jaw Ctrl Offset' - Offsets the jaw ctrl relative to its pivot. Use this attribute to position the 'jaw_ctrl' under the chin.
  5. 'Lips Skinning Joints' - The number of skinning joints per lip, not including corner joints.
  6. 'Lips Bias' - Use this to control how much the lips move with 'M_upper/lower_lip_ctrl'.
    value of 1.5
    value of 1.0

  7. 'Create Roll' - All minor and mid controls will have the 'Roll' and 'Roll loc Vis' attributes, which allow them to be rotated from a different position. The 'Roll Loc Vis' attribute will display a locator that controls from where the roll rotates.
    (roll offset positions) 
  8. 'Upper Roll Offset', 'Lower Roll Offset' - The initial roll offset position from the ctrls. In other words, translation values of the roll locators.
  9. 'Upper Lip Push' - The lower lip will push the upper lip when they collide. Has an on/off attribute on 'M_upper_lip_ctrl'.
  10. 'Micro Ctrls' - Add a ctrl for every lip skinning joint.


  • 'Root Input' - Drives the whole node, usually driven by the head.
  • 'Head Output' - An output at the 'Root Input' usually drives the upper teeth.
  • 'Jaw Output' - An output at the jaw joint usually drives the lower teeth.


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