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In the attributes_creation() method, you create the attributes that will populate the Arise Attribute Editor.

Each command that creates an attribute returns a pointer of the attribute object, or None if something went wrong.

You can access the attribute value in other methods by storing it as a class variable (example: self.my_attribute).

Name, version, and note attributes are automatically created.

You can create visual display elements that help group or space between attributes using the following commands:

  • self.add_separator(title=None)  
    Add a line separator (a display element).
    • title {str or None} -- optional text on separator (default: {None})

  • self.add_frame_layout(title=None)
    Add a frame layout to group visually all attributes and elements created after, until a call to close_layout() is called. Note that for each call of add_*_layout creation there should be a call to close_layout().
    • title {str or None} -- optional text on frame (default: {None})

  • self.add_collapsible_layout(title=None, shown=False)
    Add a collapsible layout to group visually and show/hide all attributes and elements created after, until a call to close_layout() is called. Note that for each call of add_*_layout creation there should be a call to close_layout().
    • title {str or None} -- optional text on collapsible layout (default: {None})
    • shown (bool) -- True to display expended False to display collapsed (default: {False})

  • self.close_layout()
    Closes any open layout created by calling add_frame_layout() or add_collapsible_layout().
    There should be a call to close_layout() for every layout created.

You can create different types of attributes using the following commands:

  • self.add_rgb_color_attribute(name, default_value=(1, 1, 1), value_change_method=None, writable=True, readable=True, promoted=False, annotation="")
    Add an RGB (no alpha) attribute to change a color.
    • name {str} -- unique name for attribute
    • default_value {tuple} -- XYZ float values between 0-1 (default: {(1, 1, 1)}) 
    • value_change_method {method pointer or None} -- if we want a method to execute on value change provide the method here else None (default: {None})
    • writable {bool} -- can have incoming connections (default: {True})
    • readable {bool} -- can have outgoing connections (default: {True})
    • promoted {bool} -- at creation is the attribute visible on node shape (default: {False})
    • annotation {str} -- tool-tip text (default: {""})
    • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})
Class variable you can access:
  • value {list} -- returns the attribute value [R, G, B]
  • enabled {bool} --returns True if enabled False if not
Class methods you can use:
  • set_disabled(bool) -- True to disable False to enable

  • self.add_float_attribute(name, value_change_method=None, default_value=0.0, writable=True,  readable=True, promoted=False, min_value=None, max_value=None, annotation="", button=None)
    Add a float attribute.
    • name {str} -- unique name for attribute
    • value_change_method {method pointer or None} -- if we want a method to execute on value change provide the method here else None (default: {None})
    • default_value {float} -- float default values (default: {0.0})
    • writable {bool} -- can have incoming connections (default: {True})
    • readable {bool} -- can have outgoing connections (default: {True})
    • promoted {bool} -- at creation is the attribute visible on node shape (default: {False})
    • min_value {float or None} -- min value user can input (default: {None})
    • max_value {float or None} -- max value user can input (default: {None})
    • button {list or None} -- list with method pointer and 3 strings: method_ptr, label, icon path, tooltip
    • annotation {str} -- tool-tip text (default: {""})
    • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})
Class variable you can access:
  • value {float} -- returns the attribute value
  • enabled {bool} --returns True if enabled False if not
Class methods you can use:
  • set_disabled(bool) -- True to disable False to enable

  • self.add_float_multiplier_attribute(name, value_change_method=None, default_value=0.0, annotation="")
    Add a float attribute that is limited between 0.0 - 1.0 and has a slider.
    • name {str} -- unique name for attribute
    • value_change_method {method pointer or None} -- if we want a method to execute on value change provide the method here else None (default: {None})
    • default_value {float} -- float default values (default: {0.0})
    • annotation {str} -- tool-tip text (default: {""})
    • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})
Class variable you can access:
  • value {float} -- returns the attribute value
  • enabled {bool} --returns True if enabled False if not
Class methods you can use:
  • set_disabled(bool) -- True to disable False to enable

  • self.add_integer_attribute(name, default_value=0, value_change_method=None, writable=True, readable=True, promoted=False, annotation="", min_value=0, max_value=None, add_slider=False)
    Add a integer attribute.
    • name {str} -- unique name for attribute
    • default_value {int} -- float default values (default: {0})
    • value_change_method {method pointer or None} -- if we want a method to execute on value change provide the method here else None (default: {None})
    • writable {bool} -- can have incoming connections (default: {True})
    • readable {bool} -- can have outgoing connections (default: {True})
    • promoted {bool} -- at creation is the attribute visible on node shape (default: {False})
    • annotation {str} -- tool-tip text (default: {""})
    • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})
    • min_value {float or None} -- min value user can input (default: {0})
    • max_value {float or None} -- max value user can input (default: {None})
    • add_slider {bool} -- True to add a slider widget next to input widget
Class variable you can access:
  • value {int} -- returns the attribute value
  • enabled {bool} --returns True if enabled False if not
Class methods you can use:
  • set_disabled(bool) -- True to disable False to enable

  • self.add_xyz_attribute(name, default_value=(0, 0, 0), writable=True, readable=True, promoted=False, annotation="")
    Add an XYZ attribute (double 3).
    • name {str} -- unique name for attribute
    • default_value {tuple} -- of 3 floats for XYZ (default: {(0, 0, 0)})
    • writable {bool} -- can have incoming connections (default: {True})
    • readable {bool} -- can have outgoing connections (default: {True})
    • promoted {bool} -- at creation is the attribute visible on node shape (default: {False})
    • annotation {str} -- tool-tip text (default: {""})
    • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})
Class variable you can access:
  • value {list} -- returns the attribute value [X, Y, Z]
  • enabled {bool} --returns True if enabled False if not
Class methods you can use:
  • set_disabled(bool) -- True to disable False to enable

  • self.add_driver_attribute(name, annotation="")
    Add a driver attribute that can drive a 'driven_attributes' on anther Arise nodes.
    This attribute appears only on the node itself and not in the Arise Attribute Editor.
    Within the 'rig_creation()' method you can specify a Maya transform as the associated driver object.

    The setup process for both the driver attribute and the driven attribute is explained here.
    • name {str} -- unique name for attribute
    • annotation {str} -- tool-tip text (default: {""})
    • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})

  • self.add_driven_attribute(name, connection_type="matrix_constraint", annotation="", promoted=True, maintain_offset=True, parent_relative=False, force_connection=False, force_when_locked=False, skip_attrs=(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))
    Add a driven attribute that can be driven by a 'driver_attribute' or by str name of a Maya transform object.
    Within the 'rig_creation()' method you can specify a Maya transform as the associated driven object.
    The setup process for both the driver attribute and the driven attribute is explained here.
    • name {str} -- unique name for attribute
    • connection_type {str} -- what kind of connection to create. Valid options: "matrix_constraint", "parent", "direct_connect", "parent_constraint", "point_constraint", "orient_constraint", "scale_constraint", "aim_constraint", "parent_and_scale_constraint". default {"matrix_constraint"}
    • annotation {str} -- tool-tip text (default: {""})
    • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})
    • promoted {bool} -- is this attribute shape visible on node shape by default (default: {True})
    • maintain_offset {bool) -- True to maintain offset. If connection_type is 'parent', False will zero the relative transformation. Ignored by 'direct_connect' connection type. (default: {True})
    • parent_relative {bool) -- True to parent relatively. Useful when jnts parenting creates transforms above parented jnts. Only relevant for 'parent' connection type (default: {False})
    • force_connection {bool} -- for each attribute on driven node, if it's already connected should it force a connection. Ignored by 'parent' connection type. (default: {False})
    • force_when_locked {bool} -- for each attribute on driven node, if it's already locked should it force a connection. Ignored by 'parent' connection type. (default: {False})
    • skip_attrs {tuple} -- 9 bools for each attribute 'tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'rx', 'ry', 'rz', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz', should it skip constraining/connection to that attribute. Ignored by "parent" connection type. (default: {(False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)})

  • self.add_node_attribute(name, annotation="", node_type="transform")
    Add a string input attribute that takes a long name of a Maya node.
    • name {str} -- unique name for attribute
    • annotation {str} -- tooltip str of widgets (default: {""})
    • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})
    • node_type {str} -- the type of node you wish as input (default: {"transform"})
Class variable you can access:
  • value {str} -- returns the attribute value
  • enabled {bool} --returns True if enabled False if not
Class methods you can use:
  • set_disabled(bool) -- True to disable False to enable

  • self.add_string_attribute(name, default_value="", annotation="", set_str_validator=True)
    Add str input attribute that takes text input from the user.
    • name {str} -- unique name for the attribute
    • default_value {str} -- default string value (default: {""})
    • annotation {str} -- tooltip str of widgets (default: {""})
    • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})
    • set_str_validator {bool} -- True input str can only be valid Maya name characters, False any keyboard character is valid.
Class variable you can access:
  • value {str} -- returns the attribute value
  • enabled {bool} --returns True if enabled False if not
Class methods you can use:
  • set_disabled(bool) -- True to disable False to enable

  • self.add_boolean_attribute(name, default_value=False, value_change_method=None, annotation="")
    Add a checkbox attribute.
    •  name {str} -- unique name for attribute
    • default_value {bool} -- bool default values (default: {False})
    • value_change_method {method pointer or None} -- if we want a method to execute on value change provide the method here else None (default: {None})
    • annotation {str} -- tool-tip text (default: {""})
    • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})
Class variable you can access:
  • value {bool} -- returns the attribute value (True or False)
  • enabled {bool} --returns True if enabled False if not
Class methods you can use:
  • set_disabled(bool) -- True to disable False to enable

  • self.add_drop_down_attribute(name, items, default_value="", value_change_method=None, annotation="")
    Add a drop-down/enum attribute.
    • name {str} -- unique name for attribute
    • items {list} -- of strings options to populate the dropdown attribute
    • default_value {str} -- name of the option we want as the default value (default: {""})
    • value_change_method {method ptr or None} -- if we want a method to execute on value change provide the method here else None (default: {None})
    • annotation {str} -- tool-tip text (default: {""})
    • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})
Class variable you can access:
  • value {str} -- returns the selected option in the dropdown
  • enabled {bool} --returns True if enabled False if not
Class methods you can use:
  • set_disabled(bool) -- True to disable False to enable

  • self.add_radio_attribute(name, items, default_value=0, annotation="")
    Add a radio attribute with with up to 6 radio buttons.
    • name {str} -- unique name for attribute
    • items {list} -- of string options (up to 6) to populate the radio attribute with
    • default_value {int} -- index of option we want as default value (default: {0})
    • annotation {str} -- tool-tip text (default: {""})
    • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})
Class variable you can access:
  • value {int} -- returns the index of the selected radio option
  • display_value {str} -- returns the string name of the selected radio option
  • enabled {bool} --returns True if enabled False if not
Class methods you can use:
  • set_disabled(bool) -- True to disable False to enable

  • self.add_path_attribute(name, value_change_method=None, file_types="", annotation="")
    Add a path attribute to load a filepaths to scene.
    • name {str} -- unique name for attribute
    • value_change_method {method pointer or None} -- if we want a method to execute on value change provide the method here else None (default: {None})
    • file_types {str} -- the files extensions that it should look for when opening a file browser (default: {'Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)'})
    • annotation {str} -- tool-tip text (default: {""})
    • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})
Class variable you can access:
  • value {str} -- returns the attribute value
  • enabled {bool} --returns True if enabled False if not
Class methods you can use:
  • set_disabled(bool) -- True to disable False to enable

  • self.add_button(buttons)
    Add 1 to 6 buttons.
    • buttons {list} -- a list of lists where each list holds the data needed for 1 button (up to 6 buttons).
      structure: [(click_method_pointer [ptr], _\icon_relative_path [str], btn_name [str], annotation [str]), (...), (...), ...]

(New in version 1.03.02)

The primary means by which nodes connect is through constraining transforms and linking attributes using 'add_driver_attribute' and 'add_driven_attribute,' as explained earlier.

In rare situations where you need to establish a unique connection between nodes, you can employ custom attributes.
Begin by declaring these attributes in the 'attributes_creation' method. Then, assign values to these attributes using 'set_maya_object()' within the 'rig_creation()' method—this could be a node name, a list, or any data type.

Finally, to execute specific connections or operations, reimplement the 'create_connections' method. This method will be called during the connection pass in the Arise build process.

When reimplementing the 'create_connections' method, it's important to handle any exception in your code, such as no connection value. Additionally, ensure the method returns False if the connection fails and True if it succeeds.

  • self.add_custom_driver_attribute(name, str_connection_type="attr", slot_color=(150, 150, 150), writeable=False, annotation="")
    Add a custom driver attr that allows connecting anything since the connection is done by a method
    on the attachment.
    Within the 'rig_creation()' method you can specify any value as the associated driver information.
    The setup process is similar to the driver and driven attributes explained here. (using set_maya_object())
    • name {str} -- unique name for attribute
    • str_connection_type {str} -- 'custom_driven' with the same value will allow connection (default: {"attr"})
    • slot_color {list} -- of 3 ints between 0-255 representing RGB color of slot
    • writeable {bool} -- True to have input and output slots on this attribute (default: {False})
    • annotation {str} -- tool-tip text(default: {""})
    • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})


          Class variable you can access (from the 'create_connections' method):

  • driver_attribute {custom driver attr or None} -- The connected driver attribute or None if no connection
  • driver_attribute.maya_object {any data type} -- The driver attribute value
  • maya_object {any data type} -- The data assigned to the attribute

  • self.add_custom_driven_attribute(name, str_connection_type="attr", slot_color=(150, 150, 150), readable=False, annotation="", promoted=True)
    Add a custom driven attr that allows connecting anything since the connection is done by a method
    on the attachment.
    Within the 'rig_creation()' method you can specify any value as the associated driver information.
    The setup process is similar to the driver and driven attributes explained here. (using set_maya_object())

  • name {str} -- unique name for attr

  • str_connection_type {str} -- custom_driven with same value will allow connection (default: {"attr"})

  • slot_color {list} -- of 3 ints between 0-255 representing RGB color of slot

  • readable {bool} -- True to have input and output slots on this attribute (default: {False})

  • annotation {str} -- tool-tip text(default: {""})

  • help_link {str} -- creates an optional button that opens the provided website link (default: {""})
  • promoted {bool} -- is this attribute shape visible on node shape by default (default: {True})

            Class variable you can access (from the 'create_connections' method):

  • driver_attribute {custom driver attr or None} -- The connected driver attribute or None if no connection
  • driver_attribute.maya_object {any data type} -- The driver attribute value
  • maya_object {any data type} -- The data assigned to the attribute


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