Create a vehicle body (chassis) with features such as steering ctrls, shake attributes, understeer, oversteer, and more.


  • 'Center Guide' -  Position this guide at the center of the car. This is where the 'Body_drive_ctrl' will be placed, which serves as the main control of the vehicle.
  • 'Tilt Ctrl Guide' - Place this guide where the tilt control will be located. This guide will not have any effect if the 'Tilt' attribute is unticked.
  • 'Front Guide', 'Back Guide', 'Left Guide', and 'Right Guide' - Position these guides on the ground at the outer edges of the vehicle.


  1. 'Ctrls Scale' - Scale all the node ctrls. Note that the attachments 'Ctrls Settings' and 'CtrlsShape' will override this. [Video]
  2. 'Expose RotateOrder' - Exposes all the ctrls 'RotateOrder' attribute in the Channel Box. [Video]
  3. 'Secondary Ctrls' - Secondary ctrls are added under some ctrls to help prevent gimbal lock.

    A visibility attribute is added to the parent ctrl. [Video]

  4. 'Tilt' - Add a tilt ctrl enable tilting the entire vehicle from side to side and back and forth.

  5. 'Handling' - Add 'oversteer' and 'understeer' attributes to the 'driver_ctrl'.

  6. 'Shake' - Add shake attributes to the 'driver_ctrl' to simulate engine or road vibrations affecting the car.

  7. 'Shake Up Down Amount' - Specify the range of vertical shaking the vehicle will experience in Maya units.

  8. 'Shake Rotate Amount' - In degrees, specify the range the vehicle shake for 'front_back' and 'left_right'.

  9. {As of version: 1.06.03} 'Add Four Wheels' - This feature adds four wheels to the vehicle, each with its own suspension system that affects the body. Re-templating is required to position the wheel guides correctly.
    [Since the wheels are both driven by and drive the Vehicle Body, the suspension system for the wheels must be created within the 'Vehicle Body' node and cannot be placed on a separate node.]

  10. 'Suspension Upper Limit' - The limit each wheel can move up before affecting the vehicle body. The animator can modify this limit for each wheel through the 'wheel_bottom_ctrl' using the 'suspension_up_limit' attribute.

  11. 'Suspension Lower Limit' - The limit each wheel can move down before affecting the vehicle body. The animator can modify this limit for each wheel through the 'wheel_bottom_ctrl' using the 'suspension_down_limit' attribute.


  • 'Input' - Drives the entire node.
  • 'Body Output' - An output located at the 'center_jnt'.
  • 'Front Wheels Output' - An output specifically for the front wheels. This output is influenced by the 'front_steer_ctrl', 'oversteer', and 'understeer' attributes.
  • 'Back Wheels Output' - An output for the remaining back wheels. This output is influenced by the 'back_steer_ctrl'.


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