(New in version 1.03.02)

Settings are organized into two tabs:

'Current Scene Settings':

These settings are specific to the currently open scene. They will be saved with the scene and automatically loaded whenever the scene is loaded.

'Default Scene Settings':

The settings under this tab serve as the default configuration for every new scene. Any new scene you create will inherit these default settings.


Joints Suffix:

All Joints will have this suffix. For studios that may need to use a different suffix due to their pipeline. Default: '_jnt'.

Joints name structure: "[node_name]_[joint_name][suffix]"

Ctrls Suffix:

All Ctrls will have this suffix. For studios that may need to use a different suffix due to their pipeline. Default: '_ctrl'.

Joints name structure: "[node_name]_[ctrl_name][suffix]"


Ctrls Default Colors:

Change the default colors of the ctrls.

A 'rebuild' is required to see the changes.

Ctrls Default Left Colors:

Change the color of ctrls belonging to nodes with the prefix 'L_'

A 'rebuild' is required to see the changes.

Ctrls Default Right Colors:

Change the color of ctrls belonging to nodes with the prefix 'R_'

A 'rebuild' is required to see the changes.

Joints Default Color:

Checkbox to enable joints default color. This will also activate the color widget, allowing you to choose a color.

A 'rebuild' is required to see the changes.


Pre Build Script:

A pre-build script to run prior to each build operation.

Post Build Script:

A post-build script that runs after the nodes creation pass in every build operation.

Final Build Script:

A final-build script that runs after Arise completes all passes during the build operation.