Not every joint created by Arise is intended to be skinned to your character meshes. Some joints serve the purpose of driving internal rig elements, such as ribbons. Additionally, when you create 'FollowSkeleton' joints, the skinning joints shift from the node's joints to the new FS joint chain.

Arise automatically manages which joints should be designated as skinning joints internally, and most of the time, no manual intervention is required.

Skinning Your Character Meshes to the Skinning Joints:

To apply skinning to your meshes using all the skinning joints in the scene, select your character meshes and click on 'Skin Selected' in the 'HelperTools' menu. This also ensures you are using only the skinning settings supported by Arise.

Selecting Skinning Joints:

  • To select the skinning joints of selected nodes, right-click when in 'Build' mode and navigate to 'Build Toolkit' -> 'Select Skinning Joints.'
  • To select all the skinning joints in the scene, go to the 'HelperTools' menu -> 'Selection' -> 'Select Skinning Joints.'

Modifying Skinning Joints:

You can modify which joint serves as a skinning joint by adding a 'JointsSettings' attachment to a node and toggling the checkboxes under the 'skinning_jnt' column.