{As of version 1.10.00}

Arise allows you to add custom ctrl shapes to the Arise ctrl library. Once created, custom nodes can use them as the default ctrl shape, or users can apply them to existing ctrls using the 'CtrlsSettings' attachment.

Setting the Custom Ctrl Shapes Folder:

In the Arise Preferences window (Settings → Preferences), you can specify a folder for Arise to search for custom ctrl shapes. By default, no folder is set, and Arise will skip searching for custom shapes.

Creating a Custom Ctrl Shape:

To create a new custom ctrl shape, open the 'Add A Custom Ctrl Shape' window (Edit → Ctrls → Add A Custom Ctrl Shape). This window provides step-by-step instructions on the process.

  1. In the Maya scene, create a nurbsCurve shape and scale it to 2x2 Maya units.
  2. If the shape consists of multiple nurbsCurve nodes, you will need to parent all nurbsCurve nodes under a single transform node.
    Since shapes can only be parented under transforms via code, select the nurbsCurve nodes or their parent transform and click 'Merge Selected NurbsCurves' in the interface.
  3. The custom ctrl shapes folder (set in Preferences) will also appear in this window. If you haven't specified a save location, do so now.
  4. Enter a name for the new custom ctrl. To override an existing default ctrl shape, use the same name as the default shape.
  5. Once your custom shape is ready, click 'Add Selected Custom Ctrl To Arise Library'. Arise will generate a JSON file in the specified folder, storing your custom ctrl shape.

Using Custom Ctrl Shapes:

  • When adding a 'CtrlsSettings' attachment to a node, you can select your custom shape.
  • Custom nodes can reference these shapes as their default ctrls shapes.

Sharing Custom Ctrl Shapes in Team Projects:

For team projects where multiple riggers use Arise, the custom ctrl shapes folder can be shared or distributed. As long as each user’s Preferences points to the correct folder, all team members will have access to the same custom shapes.


  • To remove a custom ctrl, delete the JSON file with the same name and restart Arise.
  • By default, Maya's Outliner hides shape nodes. To display them, open the Outliner 'Display' dropdown and enable 'Shapes'