Main Window:

  • By pressing Tab while the mouse cursor is over the workspace, a quick-create-node menu will appear.
  • By pressing Tab while the mouse cursor is over a node, a quick-create-attachment menu will appear.
  • If you right-click on a node, you will see options related to that node (such as 'Template' or 'Build').
  • When you right-click on an attachment, you'll see options related to that attachment.
  • More information is available in ARISE 'Help' menu -> 'Shortcuts'.


  • Undo/Redo:  Same as using the Ctrl + 'Z' key to undo, Shift + 'Z' key to redo.
  • Helper Tools Menu: Provides skinning and rigging tools such as selecting ctrls or transferring weights.
  • Mirror selected node guides: Flips selected nodes guides on the YZ plane.
  • Mirror nodes based on prefix: Copies guides onto nodes with opposite prefixes, then mirrors them.
    The button 'L->R' is used, for example, to modify 'R_arm' to match 'L_arm' on a symmetrical character.
  • Select in ARISE: If you're not sure what ARISE node a particular Maya node belongs to, select the Maya node and click this button.
  • Select in Maya: This is a toggle button. If a node is selected in ARISE, its matching Maya nodes will be selected too.
  • Guides 'Solo' mode: You can move guides without moving their children guides.
  • Joint display scale: Same as Maya: Display->Animation->Joint Size. You can use this if the joints appear too big or too small in the viewport.
  • Indicators: Appears red if there are 'placeholders' joints or any nodes under 'dump_grp'.

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