Add dynamic joints on top of the node joints, which can be simulated.

[MakeDynamic Video Tutorial]


  • 'Switch Skinning Tag' - Transfer the skinning tag from the original joints to the new dynamic joints.
    Some attachments use tagged skinning joints in their logic.

    For example, 'MakeDynamic' and 'FollowSkeleton' create their joints only for skinning-tagged joints.
    Also, they are used to select joints in Arise's 'Helper Tools'.

    For more information about Skinning Joints.
  • 'Enable Joints Color' - Enable changing the color of the new dynamic joints.
  • 'Joints Color' - Specify the color of the new dynamic joints.
  • 'Dynamic Joints' -
    • 'create_dynamic_joint' - which joint will get a dynamic joint.
    • 'parent_joint' - specify its parent in the chain. 'None' means a top parent joint.
      One node can have several dynamic chains, but each chain must have at least three joints. Also joints cannot share the same parent_joint.
  • 'Reset Changes' - Remove any changes to the above 'Dynamic Joints' table.
  • 'Sim Ctrl Parent' - This attachment creates a 'simulation_ctrl'; here, you specify under which ctrl to parent it.
  • 'Sim Ctrl Offset' - Offset position of the simulation ctrl from its ctrl parent.
  • 'Create a Nucleus Node' - A connivance button to create a nucleus node in the Maya scene. Does not get deleted on cleanup or recreated on build.
  • 'Connect To Nucleus' - Displays a dropdown of all the nucleus nodes in the Maya scene. Choosing any will connect the simulation system to that nucleus node which enables collisions (Read more below).

Settings on the 'simulation_ctrl':

  • 'Enable Dynamics' - By default off, the animator can choose when to turn it on.
  • 'Display Sim Curves' - Display the curves driving the simulation.
  • 'Point Lock' - Where the curve driving the simulation is attached. 'No Attach', 'Base', 'Tip' 'BothEnds'.
  • 'Start Frame' - Simulation start frame. (If using a nucleus, will not appear)
  • 'Anim Follow Base Pos' - Control the starting position along the curve from which the 'anim follow base' falloff starts.
  • 'Anim Follow Base' - How much does the base of the simulation curve follow the original animation.
  • 'Anim Follow Tip Pos' - Control the position along the curve to which the 'anim follow tip' affects.
  • 'Anim Follow Tip' - How much does the tip of the simulation curve follow the original animation.
  • 'Anim Follow Damp' - The damp applied to following the original animation.
  • 'Mass' - Weight of simulation curve; high values will cause it to act more like a metal chain.
  • 'Damp' - Affects how the simulation curve bends and stretches.
  • 'Stiffness' - The amount the simulation curve flex with regard to the rest position.
  • 'Turbulence Intensity' - Simulates wind; off by default.
  • 'Turbulence Frequency' - The scale of the wind.
  • 'Turbulence Speed' - Rate at which wind pattern changes over time.

For more info: Maya's docs


This attachment works by creating a curve with CVs attached to each joint.

Then create a hair simulation system for that curve.

Then finally, have the new dynamic joints follow the simulated curve.


With the release of version 1.03.00, MakeDynamic now supports collisions by connecting to a nucleus node in the Maya scene.

To add collisions, follow these steps:

  1. Find the nucleus node in the dropdown attribute 'Connect To Nucleus' on the MakeDynamic attachment. If there is no nucleus node in the scene, you can create one by using the 'Create a Nucleus Node' button located above the dropdown.
  2. Rebuild your node. This step will connect the simulation to the nucleus node.
  3. To add a mesh as a collider, In Maya, navigate in Maya to the 'FX' menus and then select 'NCloth'>'Create Passive Collider (Options)'.
  4. In the options window, choose the appropriate nucleus node, select the collider mesh, and click 'Make Collide'.

By following these steps, you can easily set up collisions with MakeDynamic.


  • You can transfer skinning to the new dynamic joints using the 'Transfer Weights Tool'.
  • This attachment creates dynamic joints only for joints with 'skinning_tag'.
  • A node can have multiple dynamic joint chains, for example, the fingers node can simulate each finger. Since a joint can only be part of one simulation joint chain, the same 'parent_joint' value cannot be shared by more than one joint value.
  • When 'create_dynamic_joint' for a joint is unchecked, other joints will still have it listed as an option in the 'parent_joint' dropdown. Choosing that joint as a 'parent_joint' will instead result in it becoming a top joint.
  • When using a nucleus node, the 'Start Frame' will be managed by it and won't appear on the 'simulation_ctrl'.


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