'MovablePivot' allows animators to move ctrls pivots.

Creates on the ctrl an on/off attribute called 'Pivot' which controls the visibility of a locator.

When you move the locator, the ctrl pivot will move as well.


  • 'Movable Pivot'- A column-based table attribute
    • 'add_movable_pivot' - When checked, the ctrl will get a movable pivot.
    • 'add_spacer_attr' - Adds a locked attribute '___' before the 'Pivot' attribute to help visually separate it from the rest.
    • 'locator_size' - Change the size of the created pivot locator. (As of version 1.04.01)
  • 'Reset Changes' - Removes all changes made to 'Movable Pivot'.


  • Attachment does not work with all ctrls; it depends on the setup of the ctrl.
    For instance, the 'CA_Spine' node's 'ik_chest' ctrl pivot is connected to the spine ribbon, so moving it will also move the spine joints.
  • Since moving the pivot will affect existing animations, it is best to move the pivot before starting to animate or to also animate the locator.


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