The 'ConnectAttribute' attachment connects between existing Maya attributes.


  • 'Method' - Dropdown with two options that enable one of the attributes below.
  • 'List' - Choose from a list of all ctrls and joints associated with the node.
  • 'Node Name' - You can enter any Maya transform name here, even from a different node, though this might cause problems, so only transforms belonging to the node should be used. You can load a selected transform by using the arrow button. Check your selection by looking at the indicator '*' color and tooltip.
  • 'Attribute Name' - Type the name of an existing attribute on the node you specified above.
  • 'Hide Attribute - Hide the attribute from the ChannelBox.


  • A node can have more than one attachment of this type.
  • Another attribute can be connected to this attribute using an 'AddAttribute' attachment or another 'ConnectAttribute' attachment.


  • Can only connect between attributes on different nodes.


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