Does the same as adding a 'MakeDynamic' attachment to an 'FK_Chain' node, but slightly faster and with control over the simulation space (see below).
- '{number} Guide' - Position where the FK joints will be. The attribute 'Joints' controls the number of guides.
- 'Single Side Guide' - For some Aim Guides, the 'side_vector' (twist) is locked and driven by a single 'side_vector', which keeps the orientation consistent. Uncheck this attribute to unlock them if you need more control over the twist. Re-template is required when changes are made. [Video]
- 'Ctrls Scale' - Scale all the node ctrls. Note that the attachments 'Ctrls Settings' and 'CtrlsShape' will override this.
[As of version 1.06.03] 'Update' button to change the ctrls size without requiring a rebuild. [Video] - 'Clean Transformations' - If checked, the zeroed pose will be the same as the bind pose; if unchecked, when zeroing the ctrls, they will align with a world axis specified in the following two attributes. [Video]
- 'World Orientation' - The world axis the ctrls will align with when zeroed. Usually, this attribute's default value is the correct value. [Video]
- 'World Orient Twist' - Along with 'World Orientation', defines the ctrls zeroed pose. Usually, the default value of 0 is the correct value. [Video]
- 'Expose RotateOrder' - Exposes all the ctrls 'RotateOrder' attribute in the Channel Box. [Video]
- 'Secondary Ctrls' - Secondary ctrls are added under some ctrls to help prevent gimbal lock.
A visibility attribute is added to the parent ctrl. [Video] - 'Joints' - The number of joints/guides to create; modifying this attribute requires a 're-template'.
- 'Ctrls Translate' - If checked, animators will also be able to translate the FK ctrls.
- 'Sim Ctrl Offset' - The position offset of 'simulation_ctrl' from the first chain joint.
- 'Root Input' - Drives the whole node.
- 'Root Output' - An output at 'dyn_chain_0_jnt'.
- 'Tip Output' - An output at the last joint of the chain.
The 'simulation_ctrl' settings are:
- Enable Dynamics - By default off, the animator can choose when to turn it on.
- Display Sim Curves - Display the simulation curves.
- Sim Space - 'World' space behaves like 'MakeDynamic' attachments, where any movement to the chain, regardless of whether it originates from a parent node animation or from its own ctrls, will affect the simulation, whereas 'Local' space ignores any movement from its parent nodes and simulates based on the animation originating from its own ctrls.
- Point Lock - Indicates how the simulation curve is attached: "No Attach", "Base", "Tip" and "Both Ends".
- Start Frame - The simulation's start frame.
- Anim Follow Base - The amount by which the base of the simulation curve follows the original animation.
- Anim Follow Tip - The amount by which the tip of the simulation curve follows the original animation.
- Anim Follow Damp - The damp applied to following the original animation.
- Mass - The weight of the curve; high values will make it act more like a metal chain.
- Damp - Affects how the curve bends and stretches.
- Stiffness - The amount the curve flexes with regard to the rest position.
- Turbulence Intensity - Simulates wind. Off by default.
- Turbulence Frequency - The scale of the wind.
- Turbulence Speed - Rate at which wind pattern changes over time.
For more info: Maya's docs
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