[Deprecation of BlendshapesConn Attachment]

The BlendshapesConn attachment is being deprecated and will be completely removed in future versions. We recommend using the ManualConnections attachment instead, as it offers the same capabilities and more.

Current Status: BlendshapesConn is disabled by default as part of the deprecation process. If your saved scene uses BlendshapesConn, you can temporarily re-enable it by following the steps below.

How to Re-enable BlendshapesConn: Navigate to the Arise install folder: arise\io_modules\io_modules_attachments. Locate the folder named _BlendshapesConn. Remove the underscore (_) from the folder name and restart arise to enable BlendshapesConn.

Note: Ensure to replace any instance of BlendshapesConn in your scenes with ManualConnections. This proactive measure will prepare your projects for future updates where BlendshapesConn will no longer be available.

Using 'BlendshapesConn', you can create blendshapes on your character and connect them to your Arise rig manually.

It is possible to create complex blendshape setups manually, such as PoseInterpolator (pose space deformations), SetDrivenKey, etc.
With 'BlendshapesConn,' you have the flexibility to manually create blendshapes on your character and manually connect them to your Arise rig. This tool enables you to build complex blendshape setups, including options such as PoseInterpolator (pose space deformations) and SetDrivenKey.

How it works:

  1. When you press the 'Save Connection Info' button, it looks at connections coming out of all the blendshape nodes in the scene. It keeps searching up and down the connection tree for Maya nodes that belong to the Arise node this attachment is on. If one is found, it stores the information about that connection.
    The saved connection information can be viewed by pressing the 'Print Stored Info' button.
  2. Before Cleanup, Maya uses the stored information to disconnect its nodes from your setup, so your custom nodes are not automatically deleted by Maya.
  3. After the parent Arise node is rebuilt, it reconnects them again.

As a result, you'll have much more control over how Blendshapes work with your Arise rig. In essence, every possible setup is supported. However, it is essential to understand how this attachment works, how to use SetDrivenKeys, PoseInterpolator, BlendShapes, and how to create and connect Maya nodes.


  • 'Save Connections Info' - Stores any custom connections between blendshapes (or the nodes in the blendshapes' connection tree) and the Maya nodes belonging to the Arise node this attachment is on. 
  • 'Clear Stored Info' - Removes any stored connection information.
  • 'Print Stored Info' - Prints the stored connections information within this attachment.


  • Always remember to press 'Save Connections Info' after making changes to your custom nodes or connections before rebuilding or templating.
  • Remember that this attachment only stores connections to Maya nodes that belong to its parent Arise node. It may be necessary to add this attachment to more than one Arise node.


  • Your setup will break if you change the name of the parent Arise node.


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