Added in version 1.01.00.

Maya's classic-linear skinning method, which is the most commonly used skinning method, relies solely on the rotation of joints. This can potentially result in the 'Candy Wrapper' effect, which causes models to lose volume as joints influencing them rotate.
To address this issue, a helper joint can be added under any of the rig's joints. This helper joint only rotates partially (default 50%) and can help preserve volume in areas where it's needed.


  • 'Enable Joints Color' - Enable changing the color of the new helper joints.
  • 'Helper Joints Color' - Specify the color of the new helper joints.
  • 'Only Skinning Joints' - When checked, display only joints that are skinning joints. When unchecked, it shows all the node's joints.
  • 'Helper Joints' -
    • 'create_jnt' - When checked, adds a helper joint parented under this joint.
    • 'rotation amount' - Determines how much the helper joint rotates with its parent joint. Values can range from 0.01 to 0.99.
    • 'skip_rotate_X' - Skip orient constraint on the X axis. This axis will fully rotate with the parent joint.
    • 'skip_rotate_Y' - Skip orient constraint on the Y axis. This axis will fully rotate with the parent joint. 
    • 'skip_rotate_Z' - Skip orient constraint on the Z axis. This axis will fully rotate with the parent joint. 
    • 'translate_X' - Specifies the helper joint's position offset from the parent joint's position in the X-axis.
    • 'translate_Y' - Specifies the helper joint's position offset from the parent joint's position in the Y-axis.
    • 'translate_Z' - Specifies the helper joint's position offset from the parent joint's position in the Z-axis.
  • 'Reset Changes' - Remove any changes made to the 'Helper Joints' table.


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