The 'Rename' attachment provides a convenient way to modify the names of ctrls and joints to better suit your preferences or studio pipeline requirements.

The name of each ctrl or joint is built out of: 'prefix', 'name' and 'suffix'.

  • Prefix: By default, the prefix is the name of the Arise node to which the ctrl or joint belongs. Its purpose is to ensure the uniqueness of the joint or ctrl name among nodes of the same type in the scene.
  • Name: The name component represents the actual name of the ctrl or joint. By default, it remains consistent across nodes of the same type.
  • Suffix: The suffix inherits the global suffix names for ctrls and joints set in the Preference window. It provides a standardized naming convention.

With the 'Rename' attachment, you can easily customize the values of 'prefix', 'name', and 'suffix' for each ctrl or joint separately.


  • 'Rename' - Table attribute listing every ctrl and joint belonging to the Arise node the attachment is on.
    • 'prefix' - Click to modify the prefix component of the ctrl or joint's full name. Minimum 0 characters.
    • 'name' - Click to modify the name component of the ctrl or joint's full name. Minimum 3 characters. Must be a unique name.
    • 'suffix' - Click to modify the suffix component of the ctrl or joint's full name. Minimum 0 characters.
  • 'Reset Changes' - Reset any changes made to the 'Rename ' table above.


  • Attachments are processed in sequence based on their position on the node. For instance, if you position a 'FollowSkeleton' attachment below a 'Rename' attachment, the 'FollowSkeleton' joints won't appear in the 'Rename' table attribute. To avoid this, it's recommended to place the 'Rename' attachment at the bottom of its category.
    To move an attachment downward, simply right-click on it and choose 'Move Attachment Down'.
  • Renaming a node's ctrls and joints could require a rebuild not only for the node itself but also for any connected/related node.
  • (As of version 1.04.01) To avoid conflicts with other attachments and to maintain consistency, all other attachments will continue to display the original names of any renamed joints and ctrls.


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