The Path node enables objects or characters to move smoothly along a set path, which could be useful for various animation purposes, such as camera movements, vehicle animations, or character animations.

An animator can adjust and reshape the curve using the Bezier controls. Afterward, they can utilize the 'motion_ctrl' attribute called 'path_position' to guide the rig's movement along the curve.


This node has 2 guides: 'root_guide' and 'tip_guide'. Along the line between the two guides, a curve will be created.
In template mode, there are spherical visual aids placed along the curve's path. These visual aids show where the Bezier controls will be positioned.
If you change the 'Bezier Ctrls Count' attribute, you will need to re-template to see the visual helpers update.


  • 'Ctrls Scale' - Scale all the node ctrls. Note that the attachments 'Ctrls Settings' and 'CtrlsShape' will override this. 
    [As of version 1.06.03]  'Update' button to change the ctrls size without requiring a rebuild. [Video] 
  • 'Bezier Ctrls Count' - Determines the number of Bezier ctrls created along the curve.
  • 'Add Position Ctrl' - Add an additional ctrl named 'position_ctrl' that lets you move and scale the Bezier ctrls together without scaling the 'motion_ctrl'.
  • 'Primary Ctrls Vis'Control the 'motion_ctrl' 'primary_ctrls_vis' attribute's value. Choose whether the Bezier controls should be visible by default.
  • 'Auto Steer' - Pass front wheels steering to child nodes. Currently works only if 'Vehicle_Body' node is a child node.
  • 'Wheels Pos Offset' - Enter the distance from the start of the curve to the position of the front wheels axle. This allows the rig to calculate a more accurate steering value to send to the 'Vehicle_Body' node.


  • 'Input' - Drives the entire node.
  • 'Output' - An output at 'motion_ctrl'.


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